Last Week Summed up: Nothing exciting. We went out Tuesday night to watch the Barcelona vs. Arsenal game. Moral of the Story: Never befriend a bartender.
I went to Liverpool this past weekend to visit my au pair from when I was 4! It is crazy to think how long ago that was. Funny coincidences: I am the age she was when she looked after me and her kids are the ages that me and Steven were (4 and 6).
Thursday: I flew to Liverpool. I made a friend on the airplane, Elizabeth, she is from Liverpool and also studying in Paris. Katie picked me up from the airport and on the way home there was a lot of traffic because Justin Bieber was in Liverpool that weekend. OMGZ! BIEBER FEVER! I really think he's stalking me, first we're in Dublin at the same time and then Liverpool? He needs to get a life. When we got back to her house we stayed up for a little to catch up, I met Steve, and Bella (their beagle) and then we went to sleep.
Friday: I woke up and took Cameron to school and Issy to nursery with Katie. I had hot cross buns for breakfast (a traditional English breakfast around Easter time). It was like cinnamon rasin bread with butter. Very delish. Then me and katie took a ferry from Greasby (where they live) over to Liverpool across the Mersey. We then went to one of the Beatles museums. It was really cool because they ahd the Beatles Fab 4D!!! It was like a movie but you were on chairs that move AND they splashed you with water and had the scent of strawberrys when the song strawberry fields forever came on. Pretty cool stuff. After Fab 4D we went for lunch at Nando's, a Portugese chicken place. It was really good, I got a wrap and Katie got hers ona bun. We had some fun as she updated me on my 4-year-old self. First things I said to her when we picked her up from the airport:
1. My best friend is Shelby Mason
2. We have a movie of me being born at my house if you want to watch it
I sure am good with first impressions. After lunch we went on the Magical Mystery tour where we saw all of the famous Beatles landmarks around Liverpool like their childhood homes, Penny Lane, Strawberry fields, etc. It was really cool to see all of the places and think that John Lennon walked down this exact street. The last stop was right by the Cavern, where the Beatles performed. Me and Katie went in and had a beer there and listed to a guy sing Beatles songs. We then went back to their house and had Fajitas for dinner. They were very yummy. I taught Cam and Issy how to make faces out of their tortillas. After dinner we watched Bring It On. Then Cam and Issy went to sleep and I watched TV with Katie and Steve. We watched a few shows that I found very funny, fonejacker and balls of steel. They are both my humor to a T (prank calling people and people doing crazy things to mess with other people and see their reactions). We also watched a show called embarrassing bodies but we had to change it because it got a little too gruesome for our liking.
Me and Katie on the Ferry, pretty view of Liverpool behind |
After Fab 4D |
Me and Katie at Penny Lane |
In front of our Magical Myster Tour Bus |
Cam with his tortilla face |
Issy and Bella (Spike look alike?) |
Saturday: We had planned to go to Cam's soccer game but he got sick so weren't able to. Instead, Me, Katie, Issy, and Jessica had a girly day. We went for lunch at this place called Pizza Express which was really good! They told us that our food would take a while because there were a few big parties. An hour and a half later, we got our pizzas. It was delish but took a while. After lunch we finished up the other Beatles museum. Again, it was really cool to learn the history. After that we went on "the big wheel" as Issy called it aka the Ferris Wheel. It was really pretty to see the entire city from so high. AFter the Ferris wheel we went into a few shops where Jess and I got matching blazers. On the way to the shops Issy kept climbing up on benches and repeating: "I'm the king of the castle, you're a dirty rascal." (which I just realized is a line in the song Crash Into me by Dave Matthews band) Saturday night we got ready and went out. For dinner we had my new favorite meal in the entire world, a chip buttie. I should move to Liverpool because it is socially acceptable to have a sandwich with just fries on it! Literally, buttered bread, fries, ketchup, vinegar, salt. Yummmmm. We first went to Jess's friend, Ruth's apartment and then we went to a bar she works at. After that we "went to town" as they referred to going out in the actual city of Liverpool. We took the train there. We went to a couple of bars there. I taught them a few American expressions we use like heinous, awks, etc. It is so interesting to me how different the nightlife is at each place I visit. We took a taxi home and the driver, John, didn't really like us all that much. I tried to shmooze him about America, he's only been to New Orleans. He wasn't really feeling it.
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Jess, Me, Issy, and Katie at the Cavern |
Katie, Jess, Me and Issy in the Yellow Submarine |
The Ferris Wheel |
View from the Ferris Wheel |
Katie, Issy, and Me on the Ferris Wheel |
Me and Jess Out with her Friends |
Sunday: I went for breakfast with Katie, Steve, Issy, and Cam to have a "traditional breakfast." I really enjoyed it. The only thing I didn't really like is the black pudding (only because they told me what it was before I tried it). You can google it if you wanted to know what it is. Other than that it was delish, 2 poached eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, black pudding, beans, and toast. After breakfast Katie and I went shopping to say the least. I got some good stuff but did my best not to buy everything in sight. After that it was time for me to fly home. :(
My English Breakfast |
This was an overal great weekend, it was sooo different than any of my other trips have been and will be. It was amazing to catch up with Katie and be able to stay in touch. I will be counting down the days until they come visit us in Chicago!
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