Monday - Nothing special happened
Tuesday - Dane turned 21 so we drank here, didn't quite make it out because Dane took 21 shots
Me, Rebecca, Sade, and Casey at the ESCP bar after class. |
Wednesday - Me and Torey walked a million miles during the day, we got Angelina's hot chocolate. It tasted like a melted chocolate bar, it was the best hot chocolate of my life. Literally. I went to the ESCP bar after my 5-8 PM class with a bunch of people that are in my class (yeah, that's right there is a bar in the basement of our school, pretty cool) hung out there for a while and then came back and hung out with Hugh, Greg, and Natalie in Accent. We were going to go to a club called Queens because girls get in free on Wednesdays and get free Champagne but we didn't make it out.
Torey, Me, Cori, and Monica on our tour! |
Thursday - CORI ARRIVED!!!!!! We did a walking tour of Paris which I hadn't done before. It was cool to hear the explanations and history of things because we typically just look at them and don't know their significance. For dinner Torey cooked us her infamous stir fry. So domestic she is. At night we obvs got crepes and fries (what else is new) and then went to Corcarans (spelled that wrong, an Irish pub). Me and Monica played pool with some Parisians. We eventually came back and went to bed for our early morning because...
Friday Day - DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and Michele's arrival) Where to even begin, I don't know. It was AMAZING! When I say to you the 8 of us (Me, Monica, Torey, Christine, Courtney, Michele, Cori, and Megan) all smiled for 7 hours straight. I mean it. I felt like a little kid again. Me, Monica, Cori, and Christine were the group that went on all of the rollercoaster type rides while the other 4 did other rides and walked around. There are 2 parks and it was 44 euro for an all day both park ticket. Can't beat that. Hmmm it's a tough call as to what my favorite ride was. All of it was so great, I never appreciated the little things in Disneyland when I was younger. Did you ever realize that in it's a small world the little dolls sing in different languages and dress to those locations? There was a Finding Nemo ride which was fun, you ride on Crush's shell (the turtle dude) for the East Australian Current. Gnarly. Tower of Terror was an interesting experience because they would say everything in both French and English and the guy had the buggiest eyes I've ever seen in my life. We spent close to all day at one park and only had an hour at the second. The rollercoaster crew was able to accomplish all that we wanted to in this one hour: Rockin Rollercaoster, Finding Nemo ride, Tower of Terror, and walk through Toy Story Land. We had to run from ride to ride as I pulled up Eye of the Tiger on my phone for motivation. We could not have asked for a better day to go to Disneyland. It was 63 degrees in February (yikes for those of you in Chicago, don't hate us) and the sun was shining the ENTIRE day, we didn't even wear our coats, we were carrying them. As usual, a major part of Disneyland was all of the food: footlong hot dog with cheese, fries, ribs, fries. Others also had ice cream and churros. mmmmmmmm.
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Christine, Courtney, Torey, Me and Megan at DISNEYLAND! |
Monica really enjoyed her free birthday crepe... |
Friday Night - MONICA TURNED 21!!!!! Woooooh!!! We got back from Disneyland late so we figured it would be best that Monica turns 21 at crepe stand man (what's a 21st birthday without food?!) She turned 21 on the way! Then, we went to this club called Cafe Oz. It was a lot of fun. It was soooo crowded though. Usually clubs make you check your coat but the coat check was full (to better illustrate the crowdedness). Eventually we left (21st birthdays typically are an early night) and couldn't find a cab. It is the weirdest thing in Paris how difficult it is to find a taxi (metros close at 2 am). We finally find a taxi and they won't take all 5 of us so me and Cori walked back. We went in the wrong direction for a good 10-15 minutes. It literally took us about 2 hours to get home. There were creeps screaming things at us the entire way (typical) if you ignore them they stop and its no biggie. We get to the Bastile area and all of a sudden we hear guys scream at us "Pardon! Crepes!" At this point, I realize these boys are American for 3 reasons: one was wearing a northface coat, Parisian men do not scream things about Paris at us but rather things about being American, and three they pernounced the french words the same way that I do. We talked to them for a few minutes and sure enough, they were American.
Saturday - Chill. We chilled all day. Me, Torey, and Monica met Michele and Cori for some hot chocolate and then came back as they did more touristy things. We later went to dinner at this place that was recommended to us by a lot of people. It's a fondue place that serves wine in baby bottles. Well, we didn't end up eating there because we were 30 minutes late and they gave our reservation away. We will have to go another time. Instead, we went to this Italian place. It was yummmmy. After that I went to the Eiffel tower with Monica, Cori, and Michele to see it twinkle again. After that we went to this bar called the Princess and the Frog. It was an English bar. I worked my magic to get a free drink for Monica from the bartender and then he gave me one too. Then we walked back because we missed the last metro. womp.
Long story short: this weekend was the bomb. I'd put it in my top 10.
Word of the day: Happy birthday = Bon anniversaire
Word of the day: Happy birthday = Bon anniversaire
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