Sunday, January 30, 2011

I See Dead People

Yep. That happened. Yesterday me, Torey, Monica, Christine, Courtney, and Jen (a girl that goes to Wisco) went to the Catacombs. Tombs. That is what I was expecting. I envisioned the Egyptian tombs for some reason. Well, I was wrong. I was very wrong. To say I saw a few skeletons would be an understatement and it would cherry coat the truth. Before we entered the catacombs there was a sign that read:

We did not think much of it. We go down 130 steps and we arrive at some tunnels and such. There were some really cool sculptures that prisoners had made as well. Basically, spark note version of what we saw...back in the day the Romans built an underground tunnel/passageway thing, then during the Revolution the French used it to move bodies from cemetaries into this place as a mass grave almost to conserve space, there were also rooms large rooms they used to have secret meetings. To say a mass grave would be putting it politely, this was no pile of bones. The bones were intricately organzied and placed into patterns. The walls were lined with bones and skulls that went very deep. Some of the bones were arranged in crosses and others just other patterns. It was very cool and very frightening to say the least. I'd guestimate there were a good couple hundred people's bodies worth of bones. Between the bones and the narrow tunnels and dripping ceilings and musty scent, I understood the "cardiac or respiratory insufficiency." I am lucky I am so young and brave.
Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? He had no body to go with...
After this experience we went for crepes and churros. I regret my decision to get a crepe because the churros were actually unreal. We then came back here and booked our train to Amsterdam. Me, Monica, and Torey then made dinner, Teriyaki chicken with broccoli. mmmmm. Monica had to cook because Torey took a tumble the other night at the club. To make her feel better about herself I will say she purposely slid down some stairs because she "wanted" to see what it was like...? After dinner we went to this Irish pub that is about a 5-10 minute walk from here. It was fun there. Christine got in a dance off with some French guy. I have come to realize that being sober when you go out is a spectator sport. It's a matter of learning how to appreciate the art of everyone around making a fool of themselves. If it were an olympic sport I would be well on my way to the gold, I'd make America proud.  Connor and Hugh left pretty early so I left with them. I made us all grilled cheese. I then went to bed.

Today me and Monica and Torey went for some lunch and it was FREEEEZING out so we all came back. Tonight: Falafel round three, bringing some visitors that are about to try falafel for THE FIRST TIME. They have not been living I guess. I am going to be adventurous and get fries on mine today. I am still in withdrawl from those belgian fries, me and monica fantasize over them. So much so that we have discussed taking a day trip JUST for the fries. I probably shouldn't admit that to the general public butttt if you tried them you would understand. Well that's all for now, I have my marketing class tomorrow that was cancelled last week. I'm sure it will be a good time!

Word of the Day: C'est chouette. = That's cool. (Direct translation- That's a female owl.) I thought this was a weird expression haha

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